2107 Reflection
As I look back on this past year, I am filled with mixed emotions. It has been by far the WORST year of my life but also, the BEST year of my life. I have learned so much, especially in these past 10 months. I am not the same person I was this time last year. I am changed, I am better and I am stronger! I have transformed both personally and professionally; as a mother, a wife, a daughter and a friend. I have gained many new, valued friendships and have let go of some that weren’t so healthy. I have more patience and kindness. I have found inner strength and courage I didn’t know I had. I have added way more to my plate than I have ever imagined but it has taught me to balance. (I would have never thought this situation would teach me balance.) I am more focused as to how I spend my time and who I spend my time with. So much good has come out of this bad situation.
So, to sum it up. I’ve learned….
….to have more patience and kindness
….to trust and believe in my faith
….to believe in God’s greater plan
….to ask for help when I need it
….to balance my time
….to juggle a million things at once
….to put my son and my family first
….to focus on the positive
….that I am stronger than I ever imagined I could be
….that I have some really great friends
….and I also have…had some really shitty friends
….what is important
….when to let go and when to walk away
….way too many names of medicines and procedures I never thought I would know
….that mostly people are good
….that people don’t always know what to say or say the right thing
….that at the end of the day family is all that matters
….that everything happens for a reason
….to live every day to the fullest
….to let myself feel any emotion
….that my son is truly a miracle
….that my husband actually has emotions 😉
….that I am truly blessed with the best in-laws and parents
….that Childhood Cancer Awareness NEEDS MORE FUNDING
….that I work for an AMAZING company
…and how thankful I am to people near and far, who have reached out, even if just to share an encouraging word. They say it takes a village; we are so truly grateful for the village that has encompassed us all in love.
And the BIGGEST things I have learned are: Faith ALWAYS wins and Miracles DO happen!!!!
Thank you all for being on this journey with us!
Wishing you all a safe, happy and healthy 2018!
We are all #LoganStrong
Jen – you are and have always been strong and fierce! You have taught all of us who pray for you and your family and who follow Logan’s journey many of these things you say you have learned! We have been changed because of you and Logan too! Thank you for sharing the good, the bad, the disappointing and the blessings with all of us! Logan has become part of our lives, my children pray for this baby boy who is amazing and a super hero! Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your village! You are a blessing to so many! ❤️