Sorry for the delay in updating you all. It’s been a whirlwind of a day. We are exhausted to say the least. Mentally and emotionally drained. Scanxiety is no joke!!
Thank you everyone for your positive thoughts, good vibes and prayers….THEY WORKED!!! His scan showed NO CHANGE, everything is STABLE and if anything, it looks better. His ventricles are smaller, which means the shunt is doing it’s job and nothing else is growing!
I popped out of bed at 3am this morning with a sense of ease that everything was going to be okay today. Went back to bed, got back up at 4:30am and started getting ready, packing for an overnight, cleaning the house and getting Logan ready. Arrived at Albany Med at 7am, scan at 7:30am. This is was the first time I actually watched them put Logan to sleep. He was so calm and sweet. The familiar faces helped so much!

The scan went well, then we had to go to Neurosurgery to get his shunt re-calibrated. The MRI machine tweaks it. He hates when anyone touches his head. It takes at least two of us to hold him down to get anything done!

After that, we went right to clinic. Surprisingly, I was very calm all morning and was expecting to wait longer before we got the results. But, Dr. Weintraub stopped us in the hall as we were going to get Logan’s height and weight and said, “I have the best Christmas present for you….the scan looked great!” She had even already spoken with Dr. Adamo and the radiologist. Everything is STABLE!!! The two spots that lite up on the scan are of no concern, one is definitely scar tissue and the other spot they think is just a bunch of vessels. I cried tears of JOY!!!
Dr. Weintraub was also very pleased with Logan’s developmental progress. We all agree that being at home has been good for everyone!!
Logan also had a special visit from his girlfriend Miss Giada today! She gave him kisses and supervised me feeding him! She loves her ‘Logan Olmstead’! LOL

And of course he got some loving from Miss Jess!

We were expecting to stay overnight today for chemo but Logan’s counts weren’t where they need to be yet for more chemo. So we will go back on Tuesday for that.
We also had a consultation with Peds Surgery to put a port in Logan rather than have the double PICC line. A port is internal as opposed to the PICC that hangs on his chest. He’s more active lately and had been pulling at it. Thankfully with his new formula he has been gaining weight and it was decided we could put a port in in a few weeks, after this round of chemo is over. A port is also less risk of infection!
Logan’s dressing over his PICC line was peeling up so they decided to change it while we were there. Well, no sooner do they start to change it, it starts bleeding. This has never happened before. Dr. Weintraub said that maybe from the Peds Surgeon looking at it and pushing on him, it may have just irritated it. She wasn’t concerned. The nurses then continued to remove the dressing they just put on to put a new dressing on, then the inevitable happened…..Logan jerked his body and POP, his PICC line popped out! UMMMM…..this isn’t good! He needs this PICC line to get his chemo and he still has more to get, what do we do!?!? Thank GOD, Albany Med has some of THE BEST STAT nurses. They can put a temporary line in his arm on Tuesday for his chemo then he will get the port next month. WE love you Lauren Reynolds Kirkham and Clifford Estaris!!

We were also surprised with a bunch of New York Rangers hats that were donated to clinic. Thank you Laina for thinking of us!!

And it was #turkeyday!!!!

We got home around 2pm and passed out. We are now just getting unpacked and caught up.

So, again….sorry for the delay and THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for the positive thoughts and prayers….they really work!!!
We are ALL #LoganStrong
This is the best news ever. What a Christmas gift. Merry Christmas to all of you. Always in our prayers!!
Merry Christmas!!! So happy to hear the wonderful news!!!
We love Logan so much and are so thrilled when you give us good news.
Praise God!
Thank you Abba! Deep breaths all around. Thank you Jen for updating us. God bless and love you Fogg’s.
So glad to hear everything went well. As for our feisty little hero; he’s just like his grandmother aka Cheryl (what’s this shit on my chest and why is it here “yank” out it goes. Enough with that) LMAO gotta love him. BEST Christmas present indeed.
Take a moment to breathe hug your baby close and you ALL have a very Merry Christmas xoxoxo !!!!
How cool is this. What a champ and great parents and staff taking care of Logan. Best Christmas present from your Pittsburgh fans. Keep it going..
You are so strong and so is your brace little guy!! Prayers to him and your family
Merry Christmas to you all! Logan is always in my prayers.
Christmas wishes do come true. So glad things went well today. This child NEVER ceases to amaze me, day in & day out. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas & the best is yet to come in 2018. xoxo
You should NEVER be sorry for any delays! Especially when you’re basking in heart wrenching good news! Tears of joy for you and your beautiful family! <3
Praise God! Have a very Merry Christmas ❤☃️❄❤
Merry Christmas to you all!!! Glad to hear the good news!
Hooray, Logan!! Merry Christmas to you and your amazing family. Your Guardian Angel must love seeing and hearing all the prayers we all send on your behalf. We will continue. Keep up the great work, you sweet little super hero!! ❤️❤️❤️