Today is a tough day for me, trying to stay busy and focused…. just got this message from GOD and it couldn’t be more fitting for today: Today, Jennifer, God wants you to know that it is time to finally forgive yourself. You’ve carried the...
My goal for 2021 is to write a book about our journey, I need to make time to write more. It’s not that I don’t have anything to say, it’s just that my time is extremely limited! I have been researching and speaking with different people, published writers, of...
Three years ago today, our lives changed forever. Our hopes and dreams of having a “normal” child was crushed! Being told your child has cancer is the one of the worst things a parent can hear, nonetheless about your first-born child! Being told that your child...
Ok, so the point of me writing this is not to get anyone in trouble but to share with you all what is going on, in as much detail as I can! I will not share the school district or school that Logan attends (if you know, that’s fine) as I am not looking to get anyone...
Two years ago, today, my life changed. This has been a very rough week for me, anticipating what today signifies. While I am beyond ecstatic for our friend Gracie that will be ringing the bell today. Today also brings back the scariest memories of...
WOW…feels strange to even type the title of this post….6 months post-treatment!!!! I know it’s been a while since I have posted any sort of update. We are just trying to survive. Both my husband and I work full time, he plays hockey and I’m in Rotary and we...
So many mixed emotions about tomorrow. Having a child with cancer and going through continuous treatment is all I know. I will always worry if his tumor will come back. I will always worry if his development will ever catch up. I will always worry what my son’s...
The Final Countdown…….. WOW! I can’t believe it’s been four months since my last blog post. I just had to read it to see where I left off with sharing our journey. There is so much to update you all on; mostly good, nothing “bad” per-say, just some...
I was initially going to write this as a Facebook post but after really thinking about what I wanted to write, I wanted to make sure I was able to share it with all those that have been following our journey. Let me start with how I was raised; my father was (is) an...
One year ago, today, my life changed forever. At the time, I thought my life was over, my world shattered and my heart broke in a million pieces. I have been through a lot in my life; being attacked by a Rottweiler at 16, being beat-up by an ex-boyfriend, having...